Content Marketing in the Travel Industry

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What is Content Marketing?

Content Marketing is a strategic Marketing approach focused on creating and distributing value to attract and retain a clearly defined audience and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action. (Content Marketing, 2012)

Examples of Content Marketing

There are different types of content Marketing and for me the best practice examples are:

  • Website content
  • Social Media Posts
  • Videos
  • Blogs
  • Reviews

These are the best types of Content Marketing as they are cost effective, can help you generate more leads, increase organic traffic to your website and get more conversions.

Website Content 

Websites are the best tool to establish credibility and leave a positive impression to customers.
I personally believe that Airbnb has created an amazing travel website where you can easily book your holidays and travel destinations.
Apart for that, the website gives you tips on things to do in your local area and place to visit nearby. i.e. for myself that I am based in London, the website automatically suggest some areas where I can drive to and visit.

Fig. 1 Airbnb (2021) Screenshot of Discover Experiences on Airbnb website  [Screenshot]

Fig. 2 Airbnb (2021) Screenshot of explore nearby place close to you on Airbnb website  [Screenshot]

Social Media

In the past few years social media have become a centric part of the marketing world as they can help you to interact and connect with your audience. does an amazing job on social media and on their Instagram page they constantly post pictures that regards popular topics like sustainability, they use relevant hashtags like #futureoftravel and partner with different travel Influencers.

Fig. 3 (2021) Sustainable Travel [screenshot]

Fig. 4  Jess Bonde (2020) #FutureofTravel [screenshot]

Fig. 5  J.Blongren (2020) #Backtotravel [screenshot]


Video content are one of the most popular types of content marketing as they are engaging, easy to digest and can used on different channels.
Expidia often post new videos on its YouTube channel that aim to drive customers into action.
For example, my two favorite videos on the Expedia YouTube channel are ‘let’s take a trip’ ,where we can see a family simulating a trip in their living room and ‘Welcome to Work from Here’ that reflect the current situation with more and more people working from home.

Expedia (2020) Let's take a Trip [Video]

                                                      Expedia (2020) Welcome to Work From Home (WFH)  [Video]


Blogs are a great way to increase traffic to your Website, keep the audience engaged and promote your company.
Among all the travel blogs I have seen online, I have chosen the TripAdvisor's blog as it offers a great variety of articles about some of the best hotels and restaurants, places to visit and engaging travel stories.
All articles include wonderful pictures, keywords and links to other websites.

Fig. 6 TripAdvisor (2021) screenshot of some Tripadvisor articles [Screenshot]


We trust each other more that we trust businesses (J.Baer, 2019). This is the main reason why reviews have become so important as customers nowadays always check the reviews before to buy a product. This can positively or negatively impact the sale of a product.
TripAdvisor was the first travel website to realize this and they created this platform where customers could share their experience after visiting a restaurant, an hotel or a touristic area.
Today TripAdvisor is globally know and it’s visited by millions of people that check their website before booking their holidays or a table in a restaurant.

Fig. 7 Tripadvisor  (2021) Screenshots of the review page of the Vintry & Mercer in London   [Screenshot]


Content Marketing Institute (2012) What is content Marketing available at:
 J.Baer (2019) Customer Reviews Are The New Content Marketing, Convince and convert:


Image 1:  Airbnb (2021) Screenshot of Discover Experiences (Airbnb) available at
Image 2:Airbnb (2021) Explore nearby place close to you (Airbnb) available at
Image 3: (2021) Sustainable Travel (Instagram) available at
Image 4: Jess Bonde (2020) #FutureofTravel (instagram) available at
Image 5:  J.Blongren (2020) #Backtotravel (Instagram) available at 
Image 6:  Tripadvisor (2021) Screenshot of some TripAdvisor Articles at
Image 7: Tripadvisor (2021) Screenshots of the review page of the Vintry & Mercer in London:


Expedia (2020) Welcome to Work From Home (YouTube) available at:
Expedia (2020) let s take a trip  (YouTube) available at:


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