Inbound Marketing: Apple vs Samsung
Inbound marketing is a business methodology that attracts customers by creating valuable content and experiences tailored to them (HubSpot, n.d) Fig 1. image by author, 2021 [photograph] Each organi z ation's approach to inbound marketing Apple Fig. 2 Kye Russell (n.d.) Ubackground (Photograph) S implicity is a key aspect of Apple’s strategy and i s what makes their identity so unique ( Ken Segall, 2012 ). This aspect appears on the harmonious website that with elegant images and key word s effectively showcase the different products . Apple has mastered the art of minimalism and it has integrated this in to all its products and systems to give customers the same fam iliar feeling when using the different devices. They tailor content around their target audience to engage and emotionally connect with them. Their simple yet effective commercials are designed to keep the attention on their premium products and show the benefits they bring to life. Apple alway...